Is Cane Corso Stronger than Pitbull?


Koro or pitbull which dog is stronger to answer the question let’s first consider where these dogs come from korso is an ancient hunting and War do as well as used to drive cattle to the market it is a strong robust muscular dog with a formidable presence who at present is a popular fighting dog and often participates in ilal dog fights the Pitbull was bred in the 19th century England as a boar and bull b also it was a popular fighting darkg Pitbull is a muscular well-built dog with a firm hold and clamping Jaws but the question is which dog is stronger to determine which dog is stronger let’s compare their bite force Corso’s bite force is 700 PSI Pit’s bite force is 250 330 PSI which means the pit has powerful jaws but corser Jaws are more powerful so do power goes beyond Jaws strengths and we have to take into consideration dear buddies in this regard carer wins again because he is bigger and bulkier than a pit in my modest opinion Kan Caro is stronger than a pitbull and if you disagree let me know your opinion in the comments.

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Is Cane Corso Stronger than Pitbull?   Koro or pitbull which dog is stronger to answer the question let’s first consider where these dogs come from korso is an ancient hunting and War do as well as used to drive cattle to the market it is a strong robust muscular dog with a formidable presence who at present is a popular [...]
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